Beautiful Sandstone obelisk, a faithful reproduction of those which adorned mansions’s dressers in the XIXth century. This sculpture became very trendy in Paris when Mehemet Ali, Viceroy of Egypt, offered the Luxor Obelisk to France as a sign of goodwill and it was erected on Place de la Concorde in 1836.Handmade and sculpted by our craftsmen, its natural aged and timeworn patina gives it authenticity. Some stones spend months in our workshops to acquire the desired patina. Note that the magic of this stone is in the changes that occur when the master craftsman wishes to sculpt : he has to wet the stone to make it friable and soft for the blade. And when it dries, it becomes "hard as stone" again!

Sandstone Obelisk from the 18th century – M


  • Height: 40 cm
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